Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Themes Of The Book free essay sample

# 8221 ; Eaters Of The Dead # 8221 ; Essay, Research Paper My book is titled? Eaters of the Dead? by Michael Crichton. There are two major subjects to this book. First is adult male versus adult male and the 2nd is adult male versus nature. The nature that adult male is traveling up against in this book were the supernatural monsters that terrorized the town. Through most of the 2nd half of this book the Scandinavians are contending the monsters or fixing to. This is the chief battle of the book. These monsters are the? feeders of the dead. ? The 2nd battle of this book is adult male versus adult male. This adult male versus adult male battle is an internal battle between the folk. It is a battle for power within the folk. This occurs at the beginning of the book. Two work forces of the folk are fighting for power after the leader has died. We will write a custom essay sample on Themes Of The Book or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Those were the two chief subjects of the book. The chief struggle in this book is the work forces contending the monsters. Throughout most of the novel the work forces are contending these monsters. The monsters had killed many people in the small town and kept returning to kill some more. These monsters were the chief job within the town and the villagers had to kill them. This struggle was eventually resolved when the work forces killed off the remainder of the monsters. The chief character in this book was Ibn Fadlan. He is the lone character in this book that you truly acquire to larn a cubic decimeter ot about. At first he seems like he he is a stuck up Arab rich adult male. He criticizes the Scandinavians and doesn? T go along with their rites. He fundamentally doesn? t give them any regard at all. Then he starts to alter though. After being with the Scandinavians for awhile he starts to go like them. He acts like them, and he takes portion in some of their rites. A symbol in this book was the immense blade that the leader of the folk uses. It was a immense blade and it symbolized strength and leading. It was a immense blade so it would take a really strong individual to utilize it. It showed you who the leader of the folk was. This contributes to my adult male versus adult male subject. It can demo you that he was stronger than the remainder, so he deserved to be the leader. An American issue that relates to this is the battle for power in American companies. Many companies are holding a battle for power within. This was merely like how there was a battle for leading of the folk. The two Scandinavians were fighting for power of the folk. This can be closely associated with the battle for leading today in America. I enjoyed this book a batch. It had tonss of action and escapade. It had really many exciting points. It was a book that I really like to read. I think that it should be on the list of new and improved books. I? thousand sure that many childs would wish it.

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